The Season of the Witch

Up and down the Shire witches, wizards and their trainees are readying themselves for the Spelling Contest which is held at the end of the season in Wallop Woods. At the stroke of midnight on the 30th till the second stroke of midnight on the 31st stroke of midnight magically inclined folk gather to chant dance, rant and rave their magical spells. At the end of proceedings votes are cast to determine the winner of this seasons Spelling Contest and then folk hop off home from whence they came.
It is never too soon to polish broomsticks, blow cobwebs from the dusty pages of books of chants straighten the creases in wizards and witches head gear.

Around the Shire folk of all ages can be seen cleaning their wellies and practising the gentle art of wanging. Pedestrians and delivery people are urged to keep a look out for low flying wellies. The final match takes place on the day of the Spelling Contest at the entrance to Wallop Woods. Further details to follow.

At the Speling Skool final check and tests are underway. Chalk and blackboards are carried out by experts in the field of squeaking and annoying all attendees.

A flash of lightening should make our parties go with a bang this Season of the Witch!!

Autumn is rushing to a full stop just in time for the Winter to begin. It is in November that this Seasons of Fun is held. Bands and musicians, jugglers, crafts people demonstrating their skills with a How to Do it segment to teach others. Funfair rides, games to play along with plasma and laser light displays. So with Gee Whizzes and flashes but no bangs folk flock to our events.

Our Rides putting the FUN into FAIR