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Our Adventure Begins

The instant The Shellies discovered that life in the busy towns and cities was hindering their creativity Crabby suggested and his pals agreed that they should up sticks and head to one of the coastal resorts in the Shire of Here and There.

After creating homes which float when the tide rose and lower when the it goes out the four commenced their journey. Upon seeing them working and hearing their chuntering other folk quickly nosied over to see if they could offer their suggestions to assist the group struggling along. And the fun commenced

ShellieVision  Presents

shellies coastal experience.

shellies coastal experience.

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©2023 by ShellieTastic. 

ShellieVision  Presents

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A few of the outside events ShellieVision plan to broadast in the new year including the Wanging the Wellie Contest, Hook a Duck Match and Race the Pig Champions League
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